Hey there,
BoundedCat here to give some updates, so first things first, I am no longer scouted, I don't know when this happened or why but I only found out after I was setting up my new piece to be releasing soon and saw it said I am not scouted so I am devastated by this but am working past it. now for second things second my new art piece is releasing this Monday so be exited for that! and the last to things is that this June I will be releasing my first animated project, Ive been working on this at school but wanted to not just put it on YouTube but it will go on here too! So I also now have a discord server for people looking to hang out or what ever the link is in my account page or you can click this link to go and join it, I am way more active there so if you want any art related updates go there I'll most likely be putting wips there! so click this if you want to join https://discord.gg/SFNK7HfZ9Y