I cant say anything over than I'm an artist also I don't take commissions currently.

Dorian Schwarz @BoundedCat

Age 19, Male


New York State

Joined on 7/30/20

Exp Points:
299 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.58 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 4m 6d

BoundedCat's News

Posted by BoundedCat - 5 days ago

Hey there,

BoundedCat here to give some updates, so first things first, I am no longer scouted, I don't know when this happened or why but I only found out after I was setting up my new piece to be releasing soon and saw it said I am not scouted so I am devastated by this but am working past it. now for second things second my new art piece is releasing this Monday so be exited for that! and the last to things is that this June I will be releasing my first animated project, Ive been working on this at school but wanted to not just put it on YouTube but it will go on here too! So I also now have a discord server for people looking to hang out or what ever the link is in my account page or you can click this link to go and join it, I am way more active there so if you want any art related updates go there I'll most likely be putting wips there! so click this if you want to join https://discord.gg/SFNK7HfZ9Yiu_1372491_8119877.png


Posted by BoundedCat - January 4th, 2025

Hey my fellows,

So it’s a new year, and that means new art, and projects. So last year for me(in terms of me posting stuff) was very low in posts, and I have a great reason I didn't post any art in December. That’s because I got sick with covid, and also went to the emergency room 2 times, so I really didn't have the time to work on more than one piece of art. That art being the one I did for the NG Secret Santa. Don't worry I didn't push myself too hard with that piece, I know I didn't have any obligations to post art at the end of 2024 but I still would have liked too. Anyways I wanna just end this post with some planned pieces that I'm going to be working on this year.

February 14th, Valentines day artwork(I am not that big of a fan of the holiday, but I wanted to make a piece based off one my favorite slasher movies and it fits the theme well)

May 17th, chuck e cheese birthday artwork(this is something I wanted to do last year but I got caught up in some things)

August 10th, Bionicle Day artwork(I thought of this over my Christmas break because I missed last years Bionicle Day)

Now I have one more thing to say before I truly end this post, please don't expect any new art this month I have some school things to finish up this month and I won't be able to work any artwork for this month(obviously) so that’s why there is a piece in February but not this month. Also I might if I feel up to it, I may make a piece based off my B day in February cause that's when it is so that might happen.

That’s it for now see you all later,

Sincerely, the very tired, BoundedCat

P.S. Hope everyone had a great new years!



Posted by BoundedCat - June 29th, 2024

Hey my fellows, 

BoundedCat here with an update post/explanation post on where I’ve been. I mean ok I’ve clearly been around because I posted new art like 3 months ago, which is a bit of time. 

Where have I been?

Ok I’m gonna start this post off with the most prevalent thing, WHERE THE FUCK HAVE I BEEN!? Well I haven't been posting much here on good old Newgrounds, and that's because I have been doing school stuff! Well more specifically I got into this extended career program for jobs like chef’s, mechanics, and the class I’m in visual communications and technologies, basically an advanced art class that I’m taking to learn the real nitty gritty of how to do art, and how to do it as a job. This has obviously taken up a lot of my time, as I only got some new stuff posted in may. So why is this class taking up so much time during my time before summer break? It’s acutely my own fault as I have been going into with a full 110%! This has some good things like I now understand color theory better, and the artistic process, but it also has the draw back (pun intended) that I have not gotten much room for me to do personal projects. So yeah that's the whole place where I've been and what I've been doing thing.

My plans going forward!

So as of now I am currently working on a new art piece, and I am also in a small collaboration right now, and because of that it’s clear that I'm going to be getting back into things. But this is about future plans, not just stuff happening over the rest of this summer, so this Halloween I plan on trying to make a proper animated GIF and a normal piece of non-moving artwork. The end of the year will be mostly small artworks up till Christmas after that. Because like the past 2 years I’m gonna apply for the Newgrounds secret Santa again like I do every year since 2022, well I think I started doing it in 2022, but it could have also been in 2021 but I don't remember and I don’t really care about checking right now.

Now the plans for next year are a bit more exciting because I plan on trying to get out an animation that will be either 1 minute or 5 minutes depending on what I think would be a good length of time. The reason I plan on doing this is because I’ll be learning animation in non-GIF form for that school program I’m in(yes it’s a 2 year program). So I’ll be doing that, and dabbling in making short comics next year as well. The last thing I might end up doing is setting up commissions but IDK yet. Which that’s the whole plan as of now things may change due to things out of my control but hey who doesn't have that problem.

Closing statements

So that’s where I’ve been, and the plans going forward, there one more thing I Would like to say before signing off and that is that even though I don’t post often I’m always lurking and stalking in the dark, but in all seriousness I do just check the front page from time to time so I am kind still here just being that one quiet kid in the back of the classroom, ya know?

Anyways thanks for reading this post, 

see you fellas later!

(Edit): Forgot to mention in the future plans section of this post that I wanna try doing some voice acting stuff, to see if I'm good enough for it. Also I forgot to mention welcometohell.lol is going to be going down sometime in august, so if you want to see the website after that, head to my art archive I've made a section on there for it.




Posted by BoundedCat - August 3rd, 2023

me, Thediamondfinder and despeina have worked together to bring to everyone something they didn't want, a website. A website that is not only cool and good but also is very good and not hellish at all so, If you want to see the best website ever click the COOL!


Credits for website:

BoundedCat(me): made all most all website graphics, bought the domain, and the entire website was his idea.

Thediamondfinder: coded the entire website and made 3 graphics for the site

Despeina: made the 2 tracks of music on the website and provided 1 graphic for the website

YOU(the viewer of this page and the website): Was a cool person :)


Posted by BoundedCat - March 18th, 2023

On DeviantArt I have had account for like 2 years, but never used so it is now my archive for old art work and new art work, along with some unseen thing go take a look if your interested



Posted by BoundedCat - July 18th, 2022

Hey right now I am live celebrating getting scouted on my newgrounds account. It may not be a big deal to most people on here but I waited a whole two years to get scouted and I am just so happy about it. if anyone wants to go to my stream and celebrate with me just click on the twitch link. I am not forcing anyone to watch my stream. I would just like people to know I'm doing this. :)

